Monday, 15 August 2016

Get ride of injorious things to health, body and mind

The things which are anti-social are always accepted by people in wide. People never care untill they face some dangerous and deadly injures or situations. But it can be saved only after expending a good amount of money. Rich peoples haven't got problem to fight against diseases. But the poors? They can't. They borrow from others and sale all their own ancestral wealth. Finished! Just because of some bad habits.!!

My yoga guru says, if somebody mantains yogic lifestyle for three months then he'll automatically give up dangerous anti social thing, smoking. So we should follow the things, which will help us to maintain a fresh body, sound health, mind and body. People can engage in creative activity only when he'll have a stress free sound mind.

Therefore I have decided not to have tobaco henceforth. As it is the filler of mouth cancer and other dreaded ailments. So it's better to save oneself when there's time. So that nobody tells :it's been late. I'm sorry!!

Thank you. Cheers.

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